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Needle Ingestion

"The Best Care For Your Best Friend."

Sammy - Needle Ingestion

Meet Sammy. Sammy was presented to the clinic with a history of vomiting/trying to vomit and an inability to meow. In addition, he had a swelling under his neck.

X-rays were taken, and the problem was quickly revealed.

With endoscopy (picture not available), the oral cavity and esophagus were examined for the needle and associated damage. The point of the needle and thread could be seen around the opening to the airway. The thread trailed down into the esophagus.

The mass on the neck was then opened and explored. A large abscess, scar tissue, and a draining track that communicated with the oral cavity were found. The needle was removed, the necrotic tissue was debrided, a drain was placed in the abscess, and the skin was sutured closed.

Cats have an affinity for thread and strings. They will often eat and swallow string, thread, ribbon, etc. Given the orientation of the needle (the eye was ingested first) it can be assumed that Sammy started eating the thread and ingested the needle only when all of the thread had been swallowed. Fortunately, the needle penetrated the oral cavity and migrated to a location under the skin prior to entering the esophagus where more severe damage could have occurred.

Special thanks to Sammy's owners for allowing us to share this case.

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